Yang, Fumo

  • 日期:2014-12-08
  • 4125
Name: Yang, Fumo
Title: Associate Professor of Atmospheric Environment
Phone: 86-10-88256333
Email: fmyang(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 625 in Teaching Building

Research interest


Characterization of aerosol: including size distribution, chemical composition, temporal and spatial variability and their physical properties.

Chemical analysis and source apportionment of particles and gaseous pollutants.

The chemical characteristic of carbonaceous aerosols (organic and elemental carbon).

Dry and wet deposition.



2002  Ph.D.     Tsinghua University, Beijing

1992  M.S.    Safety & Environmental Protection Research Institute (SEPRI), Ministry of Metallurgical Industry (MMI), Wuhan

1989  B.S.     Chongqing University, Chongqing


Professional Appointments



2009.06 – 2009.09    Guest scientist, Environment Canada

2006.06 – present    Associate professor, GUCAS

2006.04 – 2007.08    Postdoctoral & NSERC visiting fellow, Environment Canada

2005.07 – 2006.05    Lecturer, GUCAS

2003.01 – 2005.07    Postdoctoral & research fellow, Tsinghua University

2001.10               Special assignment for cooperative research project, Keio University

1999.09 – 2002.12    Research assistant, Tsinghua University

1995.05 – 1999.08    Engineer, SEPRI, MMI

1992.05 – 1995.05    Assistant engineer, SEPRI, MMI


Fellowship, Awards & Honors


2011 EGU membership

2011 AWMA membership

2009 The second prize of State Natural Science Awards

2007 The first prize of Natural Science Awards, Ministry of Education

2006 The national outstanding worker in the field of meteorological science and technology

2005 Citation for Excellence in Elsevier (Atmospheric Environment)

1999 The second Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards, MMI





2011-2013 Apportionment of PM2.5 chemical speciation to light extinction in urban Beijing

-Chinese Academy of Sciences

2010-2011 Contribution of fine particulate chemical species to haze in typical urban area in Pearl Delta River Region




Physics and Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosol


An introduction to the current knowledge of physics and chemistry of atmospheric aerosols, which are comprised of a complex mixture of a variety of organic and inorganic substances that can be of primary or secondary nature and span several orders of magnitude in size. Topics include size distribution, dynamics, thermo-dynamics, optical properties, mass concentration, chemical composition, emission sources, formation and transformation processes, the impacts on visibility and climate change of atmospheric aerosols.


Energy and Environment


An overview of the earth's nonrenewable and renewable energy resources, and the impact of energy production and consumption on environment and climate change. Topics include the status of energy resources in the world and in China, pollution that may accompany energy activities such as coal combustion and transportation, and available pollution control technology for them.


Atmospheric Aerosols: from Air Pollution to Climate Change


A graduate seminar discussing very recent advances in the effects of atmospheric aerosols on global environment from air pollution to climate changes.


Selected publications


Yang F., Tan J., Shi Z., Cai Y., He K., Ma Y., Duan F., Okuda T., Tanaka S., and Chen G., Five-year record of atmospheric precipitation chemistry in urban Beijing, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 12, 2025–2035, doi:10.5194/acp-12-2025-2012. (IF 5.309).

He, K., Yang F., Duan F., and Ma Y., Atmospheric particulate matter and regional complex pollution. 2011, ISBN978-7-03-030370-7, Beijing: China Science Press. (in Chinese).

Yang F., Huang L., Duan F., Zhang W., He K., Ma Y., Brook J. R., Tan J., Zhao Q., and Cheng Y., Carbonaceous species in PM2.5 at a pair of rural/urban sites in Beijing, 2005–2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 11, 7893-7903, doi:10.5194/acp-11-7893-2011. (IF 5.309).

Yang F., Tan J., Zhao Q., Du Z., He K., Ma Y., Duan F., Chen G., and Zhao Q., Characteristics of PM2.5 speciation in representative megacities and across China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 11, 5207–5219. (IF 5.309).

Yang F., Huang L., Sharma S., Brook J. R., Zhang W., Li S.-M., and Tan J., Two-year observations of fine carbonaceous particles in variable sampling intervals. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45, 24182426, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.02.012. (IF 3.139).

Yang F., Brook J., He K., Duan F., and Ma Y., Temporal variability in fine carbonaceous aerosol over two years in two megacities: Beijing and Toronto. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2010, 27(3), 705714, doi: 10.1007/s00376-009-9103-6. (IF 0.925).

Yang F.M., He K.B., Ma Y.L., Zhang Q., Cadle S.H., Chan T., and Mulawa P.A. Characterization of carbonaceous species of ambient PM2.5 in Beijing, China. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 2005, 55, 984992. (IF 1.567).

Yang F.M., He K.B., Ye B.M., Chen X., Cha L.Z., Cadle S.H., Chan T., and Mulawa P.A., One-year record of organic and elemental carbon in fine particulate matter in downtown Beijing and Shanghai. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 5, 14491457. (IF 5.309).

Yang F.M., Ye B.M., He K.B., Ma Y.L., Cadle S.H., Chan T., and Mulawa P.A., Characterization of atmospheric mineral components of PM2.5 in Beijing and Shanghai, China. The Science of the Total Environment, 2005, 343: 221–230. (IF 2.905).

He K.B., Yang F.M., Ma Y.L., Zhang Q., Yao X.H., Chan C. K., Cadle S.H., Chan T., and Mulawa P.A., The Characteristics of PM2.5 in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2001(35): 49594970. (IF 3.139).