Yao, Fengmei

  • 日期:2014-12-08
  • 6356
Name: Yao, Fengmei
Title: Associate Professor of Climatology
Phone: 86-10-88256496
Email: Yaofm(at)ucas.ac.cn
Office: 622 in Teaching Building

Research interest


Climate change and impacts, remote sensing application in agriculture and water resource




2001-2005   Ph.D.    Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. 

1997-2000   M.S.     University of Beijing Forest, Beijing.

1988-1992   B.C.      University of Northeast Agriculture, HerBin


Professional Appointments


2007 -Present    Associate professor at GUCAS

2005-2007        Assistant professor at GUCAS




Global Climate System


An introduction on atmosphere, ocean, land, crysphere and biosphere and their interaction; Climate change and reason.


Physical Climatology


An introduction principle of climate and climate change, atmospheric circulation and climate, ocean circulation and climate and terrain and climate.


Seminar in Advanced Global Climate System


A graduate seminar about recent advances in global climate study.


Selected publications


Yao F, Qing P , Zhang J, Lin E, 2011, Uncertainties in assessing the effect of climate change on agriculture using model simulation and uncertainty processing methods, (8): 729-737.

Zhang J, Yao F, Xu Y, Zhang J, 2010, Comparison and evaluation on classification feature of the land based on MODIS remote sensing, Scientia Geographica Simica, (2): 91-96.

Yao F, Zhang J, 2009, Analysis on high temperature events and climatic risk for rice growth in the past of 20 years in China, Journal of natural disasters.(4): 452-455.

Yao F, Zhang J, Simulation impacts on of climate change on agriculture in China. 2008, Beijing: Meteorological Press.

Yao F, Xu Y, Lin E, Yokozawa M., Zhang J, 2007, Assessing the impacts of Climate change on Rice yields, in the Main rice areas of China, Climatic Change, 80: 375~409.

Yao F, Zhang J, 2006, Vegetation classification method in Global and regional patterns of land surface process, Arid Land Geography, 29(6): 872-877.